Get your free gift.
Just send in your info, no purchase necessary.
Simply pay for postage and handling.
You can enter just about every type of sweepstakes
or contest you could think of.
You can buy a lottery ticket (or more)
every time you go to the neighborhood store.
Every one of these sweepstakes, contests,
& lotteries will cost you something.
Either time, personal information (which can be sold)
or money.
Yet the greatest gift is free!
It is the gift of salvation.
Romans 5:18
Therefore, as through one man's offense judgment
came to all men, resulting in condemnation,
even so through one Man's righteous
act the free gift came to all men, resulting
in justification of life.
What do we have to do to get it?
Not much---just receive it!
God gave us His Son, Jesus Christ, as a free gift.
It is up to us to receive His free
and unmerited gift of salvation.
By accepting this free gift we become a "whosoever".
Romans 10:13 ASV
for, whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord
shall be saved.
Not all can become a "whosoever".
Claim your free gift today!